Friday, October 7, 2011

Ayurveda for Children

Childhood is probably the most important stage of one’s life. Ayurveda has a lot to offer for appropriate physical and psychological development of children. It not only helps healthy kids to remain healthy but also has great potential to help sick children.

Ayurveda makes elaborate recommendations on how daily schedule, food habits should be managed for a baby. If the mother is breastfeeding, she needs to follow certain guidelines to prevent any suffering of infants. (Ayurveda believes that breast milk can be a source of good nutrition, it can also be a source of disease development). In the first few weeks of life newborns can suffer from several different conditions such as infection at the cord, colicky pain, and constipation. An ayurvedic practitioner can guide you on how to use home remedies in mothers so that the effect is conveyed to the baby through the breast milk. Infant does not need to be given any supplements. According to conventional medicines, in any situation, infants are given either antibiotics (if they develop any infection) or a fever reducing agent such as Tylenol/Motrin (if they have fever). But there are several other conditions for which there are no recommended medicines but we can see that the baby is suffering and the situation definitely needs some action other than just watching the baby crying.

Firstly, Ayurveda describes specific guidelines regarding infant wellbeing. Breastfeeding is an essential part of newborn care. The benefits of breastfeeding are widely known. Sometimes mothers health is not optimally maintained, her breast milk supply may be diminishing. Ayurveda believes that vitiated dosha are carried to the baby via breast milk and in that care Ayurveda can help by recommending supplements and home-remedies that have been proved to increase breast milk production in women for centuries.

Teething and walking are the two important developments in the first year of life. Most babies fall sick and lose a lot of weight when they are teething. They get symptoms such as dysentery, constipation, cold, cough, fever, loss of appetite, vomiting, etc. When babies start walking, they loose a lot if energy.  If they are not fed well during this period they loose weight, their immunity compromises and they get prone to different diseases. They start getting frequent ear/throat infection and related symptoms. Some babies may even get childhood asthma. Ayurveda recognizes that this age is particularly dominated by Kapha Dosha (water + earth elements). If the infant’s diet is managed based on guidelines to keep the Kapha balanced, a lot of these troubles can be significantly reduced.

It is evident that most kids at this age are very susceptible to contagious infections. It is important to try to keep each and every child healthy. As we often hear, one child in a childcare facility falls sick and eventually most family members of each child going to that facility suffer from that infection. The only way to keep kids healthy is to increase their immunity by appropriate diet and daily regime.   

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Ayurveda for Healthy Skin

Every once in a while we meet someone with a remarkably fresh skin and the everlasting freshness and we wish if we could look the same. Looking fresh and having a glowing skin is not something that comes only with the genes. Wearing make-up or putting other cosmetics does not serve as a permanent solution. Here are some guidelines to keep your skin as healthy and fresh as that of a baby.

Like all other organs in our body skin is an organ. The largest organ and it needs to be nourished, taken care of and pampered. Most importantly, skin needs to be protected from harmful things. Millions of skin cells die and rejuvenate every day. According to Ayurveda, all three dosha and the tissues namely Rasa (literally meaning plasma) and Rakta (literally meaning blood) need to be in balance to have a good skin.

The food we eat is digested by the digestive systems and the nutrients are provided to different tissues based on their need. So firstly we should eat food that is good for plasma and the blood so that the new skins cells are generated healthier. Carrots, beetroot, cucumber, pomegranate, oranges are especially good for nourishment of those tissues and the skin. Secondly, our digestive systems should be working optimally so that the food is digested well and the nutrients are really provided to tissues. Most of the skin problems arise from disturbances in digestion.  Local application of creams/ointments in that case does not help. Teenagers, menopausal women suffer from specific skin problems that are associated with the hormonal changes and stress. A healthy diet along with mind relaxation together works best for those.

Skin need to be protected from cold, heat, the sun and the wind. If you wear cosmetics regularly it is important that the cosmetics are of good quality. It is also crucial to take those cosmetics off and clean the skin at the end of the day with cold water. One should use soap that suits his/her skin and most people are not able to tolerate soaps with strong chemicals/essence. Hot, spicy, salty and fried food is not good for skin. For external application papaya, cucumber, honey, turmeric and aloe vera are very useful for healthy skin.