In the last article we have discussed the way Dosha are defined and what they are made up of. In this series we will talk about the functions each Dosha performs in the body and mind and its relation with Prakriti or the constitution. Let us start with Vata Dosha.
Vata Dosha (air + space) is the energy responsible for motion. Pitta and Kapha do not have air element and hence they are unable to create or induce any kind of motion in the body. That is the reason Vata is considered the strongest among the three Dosha. Vata thus is responsible for movement and actions of body parts such as joints, muscles. It is responsible for the blinking of eyes, forward movement of the intestines, breathing, all types of natural urges such as yawning, sneezing, sleep etc. Vata is responsible for functions of mind including thinking, imagination, energy, enthusiasm.
ttr rukso lghu: shitah khrah suksmshkloSnilah
Reference: astaangahridy sutrsthaan prthm adhyaay
The most important attributes of Vata are mobile, cold, dry, light, rough and subtle. These qualities are most evident in a person whose mind and body constitution is dominated by Vata. We are going to refer them as Vata people. Now let us see how the attributes of Vata Dosha help us recognize Vata people. Vata Dosha is responsible for irregularities. These people are either too tall or too short. Their skin and eyes look dry. The skin tends to be cool. Vata people tolerate warm weather better over the cold weather. There hair is either too short or too long. The hair tends to be curly, dry and rough to touch. Their hair also has more split ends as compared to that of Pitta and Kapha people. Vata people are usually slender. You can often notice their bones visible around the joints. Their nails are brittle and short.
If you still haven’t make out Vata people just by looking at them you most certainly will once you start interacting with them. They seem to talk fast, walk fast and think even faster. The mobile attribute of Vata Dosha is very prominent. These people do lot of gestures while expressing themselves. As a result they can get tired easily. Their appetite tends to be too much or too little. Vata people usually like to eat sweet, sour and salty food. They also prefer to eat when the food is warm or even hot. They do not put on too much weight even if they seem eat a lot. Because of the Vata attributes mind seems to work at an enormous speed. It also makes their moods swing constantly. Vata people are most spontaneous, energetic of all. They are usually the first one to start working and also first to get bored and fatigued. They easily become anxious and always worried about something. Vata people tend to sleep less than needed. As a result these people are not really very strong as far as the health goes. Thus they can easily get off the balance. At the same time they can quickly come back to balance if appropriate measure are taken.
Vata people are prone to conditions such as constipation and improper digestion, insomnia, anxiety and stress, pain in various body parts, fatigue. To remain healthy, Vata people need warmth, moisture, vata-balancing food, anything and everything that help to keep their life regular and steady and a lot of pampering.
Wow !! this is so so so perfect !!
when did you meet me??
Bhagyashree (baske)
Thank you Bhagyashree!!!
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