Sunday, September 11, 2011

Agni - Key to Health

We have seen that Vata, Pitta and Kapha are the three dosha which together govern all the physiological and pathological processes in our body. Pitta is made up of fire and water element. The heat energy gives Pitta its unique digestive and transformative attributes is referred to as Agni. Agni is the biological fire that manages metabolism.

Agni is also vital for intelligence, perception and understanding. If the Agni is functioning optimally, digestion of food and absorption of nutrients occurs smoothly. The color of the skin and eyes is maintained by a functional Agni.  Agni also maintains the enzymes systems in our body and takes care of the bacterial flora in the intestines. Gastric fire, a form of Agni, determines the appetite of the body. Vata domination brings irregularity to appetite and digestion. Pitta domination makes the Agni very sharp while Kapha calms down the Agni. If the dosha are in balance Agni also remains functional. Imbalanced dosha affects Agni and causes problems in digestion which usually starts the process of an illness. When Agni is impaired our immune systems is affected lowering body resistance. Food is not digested and absorbed properly. As a result tissues lack growth and nourishment. Undigested food turns into heterogeneous sticky layer which is referred to Ama. According to Ayurveda, Ama is considered the root of all illnesses.  Ama creates congestion, stagnation in the body. It accumulates in the weaker parts of the body and causes clogging of channels, such as blood vessels and capillaries. Presence of Ama gives a typical coated appearance to the tongue.

Here are the simple tips to maintain a functional Agni and prevent formation of Ama:
  1. Eat what suits your body constitution. 
  2. Eat freshly cooked, warm food.
  3. Exercise regularly (at least 2-3 times a week, 20-30 minutes a day).
  4. Fast and give your digestive systems a rest every once in a while.
  5. Watch the quantity of the food you eat. If you consider your stomach as having four parts, Ayurveda recommends eating 2 parts of solid food, 1 part of liquid and keeping 1 part empty for the movement of Vata.
  6. Watch the time of eating. Do not eat until you are hungry and food taken in the previous meal is digested.
  7. Do not eat incompatible food together such as milk and salt. 

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