Thursday, September 1, 2011

Dosha and Constitution – Kapha

Kapha is one of three dosha (Vata, Pitta are the other two) that drive the physiology and pathology in our body.  Kapha is made up of water and earth elements. As can be deduced from its elemental make up, Kapha is the energy of structure and lubrication. It is the main force of procreation. Kapha is the dosha responsible for nourishment, growth and protection of tissues. Kapha share some properties with Vata and some with Pitta. At the same time, some of its properties are totally opposite to that of Vata and Pitta. Kapha is oily, wet, sticky, cold, heavy, smooth, dull, and static.

Let us see how these properties of Kapha affect the human constitution. We are going to refer than Kapha people whose mind and body is dominated by Kapha. Kapha people are easy to recognize. They have large body frame. They are heavy. Their bones and joints are strong. The bones are well covered with muscles and fat. Their face is large, usually round in shape. Eyes are large. The cheeks are chubby. Their face and skin color is usually fair. They have oily, smooth, thick and curly hair. Their arms seem long as compared to their body. Their skin is soft, oily and cool to touch.

Kapha people walk and talk slowly. They listen more than they talk. They are very patient and polite. They are physically strong and can do heavy work although they are a little lazy as compared to Vata people. They have very good memory. They like to eat warm or even hot food. They enjoy hot and spicy food. Their appetite is low and they often get filled with small portions of food at a time. They also drink less fluid. They tolerate hot and dry weather better over cold, rainy weather. They do less exercise and like sedentary work. They are usually forgiving, putting everyone else first. They sleep longer hours. They are not the people who are anxious and worrying all the time like Vata people. They seldom get angry. Kapha people are good friends who listen and do not judge. They love to take care of others. They enjoy company of a lot of people and happily host a party/event. They like to cook and serve. They are giving in nature. Kapha people are static and hesitant of any change.

Kapha people are prone to obesity, water retention, sinusitis, headaches. They are also susceptible to symptoms such as lethargy, loss of appetite and slow and improper digestion. Kapha people need to be warm, dry, light, hot and moving to be in balance. They should be careful about eating cold, oily, light, sweet, sour and salty food. 

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